Products and services of the Company can be divided into core businesses and segments as follow

  1. 1. Airline Passenger Services

  2. 2. Airport-related Business

  3. 3. Airport Business

Apart from airline services and airport services, we also provide airport-related services including cargo terminal services, ground and passenger services and in-flight catering services to our flights and those of other airlines through our subsidiaries and associated companies as follows:

WFS-PG Cargo Co., Ltd.

Shareholding percentage 49.0%

BFS Cargo who provides international cargo service at Suvarnabhumi Airport; has commissioned WFS, a worldwide ground handling and cargo service provider for airlines around the world; to manage and operate the cargo warehouse by controlling quality, evaluating the overall performance including service operations, marketing operations, and cost-effectiveness operation development. These are aimed to ensure that BFS Cargo follows all contractual commitments and the Cargo service contract, as well as to provide guidance and assistance in cargo warehouse operation to be in line with the international standard and being certified in a relevant industry.

BFS Cargo won a 20-year concession from AOT on a cargo operation contract from September 28th, 2006; the date when Suvarnabhumi Airport was officially open. This allowed BFS Cargo to start providing service following the cargo operation contract on international air cargo at Suvarnabhumi Airport.

BFS Cargo’s facilities enable it to handle premium cargo, including perishable goods and valuable cargo, in respect of which it is able to earn higher margins. Security in BFS Cargo’s facilities is important to BFS Cargo. BFS Cargo has installed 186 closed circuit televisions located throughout its facilities, and in the areas where BFS Cargo stores high value cargo, BFS Cargo’s facilities are equipped with static cameras. BFS Cargo also has x-ray machines to screen for explosives and has outsourced aviation trained security personnel.

BFS Cargo is certified its security standard by the Transported Asset Protection Association (TAPA), quality standard as in ISO 9001. BFS Cargo was the first and only IATA (International Air Transport Association) Safety Audit for Ground Operations (“ISAGO”) and the Occupational Health and Safety Management System Specification (OHSAS 18001:2007). It also plays a role as a regulated agent 3 which refers to the third country cargo service provider who’s been audited and approved in the standard of EU flight operation and is also certified as a Regulated Agent Certificate from the Civil Aviation Authority of Thailand (CAAT).

BFS Cargo’s cargo terminal is a 55,370 square meter facility at the Suvarnabhumi International Airport. Within BFS Cargo’s facilities, it has a 39,744 square meter cargo warehouse and 15,626 square meter office space. The warehouse area consists of a 2,500 square meter cold storage area, a secured storage area with an enclosed steel vault and biometric access control for valuables, a dedicated ventilated area for livestock and storage for hazardous cargo. The capacity of BFS Cargo’s cargo facility is 523,000 tons per annum

  As of December 31, 2021
2020 2021
Weight of handled cargo (Ton) 390,683 477,837
cargo tonnage (Ton per year) 523,000 523,000
Utilization (percentage) 74.70 91.36

On December 31st, 2021; BFS Cargo had more than 50 clients under two to three-year contracts and the service fee is charged in Thai Baht. BFS Cargo one of the two cargo service providers at the Suvarnabhumi International Airport which the other provider is Thai Airways International.